18 Liters to Gallons

Welcome to 18 liters to gallons.

Here we tell you how several gallons are in 18 liters, both for U.S. gallons and Imperial gallons.

For the conversion of units, it is recommended to use our  converter:

How many Gallons in 18 Liters?

The answer to the question, how many gallons are in 18 liters? It depends on the type measure you have, as detailed in Liters to Gallons.

  • 18 liters = 4.7550969424U.S. Gallons
  • 18 liters = 3.9594464694 Imperial gallons
  • 18 liters = 4.0863734292 US dry gallons

It follows that the conversion factor depends on the type of gallon.
Learn how to change the volume in the next section.

Convert 18 Liters to Gallons

The gallon is a unit of volume in the Grand and U.S. systems of measurement, in contrast to the slow liter.

If you have any doubts about the measure for your 18 liter to gallons conversion, read our articles in the header menu.

To obtain the number of gallons, you can either proceed by applying the 18 liters to gallons formula a bit additional down.

Or use our volume convertor located at the top of this post.

It changes any amount in liters, not only 18, to all sorts of gallons.

Enter the volume in liters, e.g. 18, then change or confirm the measure to your unit under consideration by employing a drop-down menu.

The result is then calculated automatically.

Convert 18 Liters to U.S. Gallons

18 liters to gallons

To convert 18 liters to U.S. liquid gallons, divide the volume in liters, 18, by 3.785411784:
18 / 3.785411784 = 4.7550969424 gal

Convert 18 Liters to Dry Gallons

To convert 18 liters to U.S. dry gallons multiply the volume in liters, 18, by 0.22702:

18 × 0.22702 = 3.9594464694 gal

Chances are high that for the conversion you should assume U.S. liquid gallons.

The dry measure has rather remained put here for the sake of completeness.

Convert 18 Liters to Imperial Gallons

To convert 18 liters to U.K. [gallons] divide the amount of liters by 4.54609:

18 / 4.54609 = 4.0863734292 gal


How much are 18 liters of water in [gallons]?

18 L of water = 4.7550969424 US gallons = 3.9594464694 UK gallons.

Is a gallon more than 18 liters?

Since a U.S. gallon is 3.785411784 liters, 18 liters is more than a U.S. gallon. Since an imperial gallon is 4.54609 litres, 18 liters is more than a British gallon.

How to convert 18 liters to gallons?

Divide 18 by 3.785411784 for U.S. gallons, or divide 18 by 4.54609 to get the unit imperial gallon.

18 liters to U.S. gallons?

18 liters = 4.7550969424 US liquid [gallons].

18 liters to U.K. gallons?

18 liters = 3.9594464694 British gallons.

18 L to Gal Conversion

Taking all of the directly above into account, you know everything about the unit conversion.

If you have been searching for 18 liters equivalent how many gallons? then you also have all the answers by now.

The same is true if you are a visitor who has been looking for 18 liters to gal, or 18 liters to a gallon, just to name a few examples.

Up till now, make sure to check out our quick conversion table in the supplement.

If you like you can also locate frequent liters to gallons conversions, including 18 liters [gallons], by using our search form.

Other conversions on our site include:

  • 18.5 liters to [gallons]
  • 18.6 liters to [gallons]
  • 18.7 liters to [gallons]

Quick Conversion Table

Liters U.S. Gallons Imperial Gallons
17.95 4.74189 3.94845
17.951 4.74215 3.94867
17.952 4.74242 3.94889
17.953 4.74268 3.94911
17.954 4.74295 3.94933
17.955 4.74321 3.94955
17.956 4.74347 3.94977
17.957 4.74374 3.94999
17.958 4.744 3.95021
17.959 4.74427 3.95043
17.96 4.74453 3.95065
17.961 4.74479 3.95087
17.962 4.74506 3.95109
17.963 4.74532 3.95131
17.964 4.74559 3.95153
17.965 4.74585 3.95175
17.966 4.74612 3.95197
17.967 4.74638 3.95219
17.968 4.74664 3.95241
17.969 4.74691 3.95263
17.97 4.74717 3.95285
17.971 4.74744 3.95307
17.972 4.7477 3.95329
17.973 4.74796 3.95351
17.974 4.74823 3.95373
17.975 4.74849 3.95395
17.976 4.74876 3.95417
17.977 4.74902 3.95439
17.978 4.74929 3.95461
17.979 4.74955 3.95483
17.98 4.74981 3.95505
17.981 4.75008 3.95527
17.982 4.75034 3.95549
17.983 4.75061 3.95571
17.984 4.75087 3.95593
17.985 4.75113 3.95615
17.986 4.7514 3.95637
17.987 4.75166 3.95659
17.988 4.75193 3.95681
17.989 4.75219 3.95703
17.99 4.75246 3.95725
17.991 4.75272 3.95747
17.992 4.75298 3.95769
17.993 4.75325 3.95791
17.994 4.75351 3.95813
17.995 4.75378 3.95835
17.996 4.75404 3.95857
17.997 4.7543 3.95879
17.998 4.75457 3.95901
17.999 4.75483 3.95923
18 4.7551 3.95945
18.001 4.75536 3.95967
18.002 4.75563 3.95989
18.003 4.75589 3.96011
18.004 4.75615 3.96033
18.005 4.75642 3.96055
18.006 4.75668 3.96077
18.007 4.75695 3.96099
18.008 4.75721 3.96121
18.009 4.75747 3.96143
18.01 4.75774 3.96165
18.011 4.758 3.96187
18.012 4.75827 3.96209

Convert 18 Liters into Gallons

18 Liters = 4.7550969 Gallons

A liter, or litre, is a unit of volume in the metric arrangement, and a liter is the volume of a square block 10 centimetres on a side. There are about 3.785 liters in a U.S. gallon.

A U.S. gallon is a unit of volume equivalent to 128 U.S. unsolidified ounces or about 3.785 liters. It should not be confused with the imperial gallon used in the United Kingdom.

Liters to Gallons Conversions

L gal L gal L gal L gal
18 4.7551 18.25 4.8211 18.5 4.8872 18.75 4.9532
18.01 4.7577 18.26 4.8238 18.51 4.8898 18.76 4.9559
18.02 4.7604 18.27 4.8264 18.52 4.8925 18.77 4.9585
18.03 4.763 18.28 4.8291 18.53 4.8951 18.78 4.9612
18.04 4.7657 18.29 4.8317 18.54 4.8977 18.79 4.9638
18.05 4.7683 18.3 4.8343 18.55 4.9004 18.8 4.9664
18.06 4.7709 18.31 4.837 18.56 4.903 18.81 4.9691
18.07 4.7736 18.32 4.8396 18.57 4.9057 18.82 4.9717
18.08 4.7762 18.33 4.8423 18.58 4.9083 18.83 4.9744
18.09 4.7789 18.34 4.8449 18.59 4.911 18.84 4.977
18.1 4.7815 18.35 4.8476 18.6 4.9136 18.85 4.9796
18.11 4.7842 18.36 4.8502 18.61 4.9162 18.86 4.9823
18.12 4.7868 18.37 4.8528 18.62 4.9189 18.87 4.9849
18.13 4.7894 18.38 4.8555 18.63 4.9215 18.88 4.9876
18.14 4.7921 18.39 4.8581 18.64 4.9242 18.89 4.9902
18.15 4.7947 18.4 4.8608 18.65 4.9268 18.9 4.9929
18.16 4.7974 18.41 4.8634 18.66 4.9295 18.91 4.9955
18.17 4.8 18.42 4.866 18.67 4.9321 18.92 4.9981
18.18 4.8026 18.43 4.8687 18.68 4.9347 18.93 5.0008
18.19 4.8053 18.44 4.8713 18.69 4.9374 18.94 5.0034
18.2 4.8079 18.45 4.874 18.7 4.94 18.95 5.0061
18.21 4.8106 18.46 4.8766 18.71 4.9427 18.96 5.0087
18.22 4.8132 18.47 4.8793 18.72 4.9453 18.97 5.0113
18.23 4.8159 18.48 4.8819 18.73 4.9479 18.98 5.014
18.24 4.8185 18.49 4.8845 18.74 4.9506 18.99 5.0166

How many gallons [liquid] in 18 liters?

18 liters equals 4.7551 [gallons] [liquid]

To convert any value in liters to gallons [liquid], multiply the value in liters by the conversion factor 0.26417205235815. So, 18 liters times 0.26417205235815 equals 4.7551 gallons [drink].

[18 liters] = 4.7551 [gallons] [liquid]

Formula: multiply the value in liters by the conversion factor ‘0.26417205235778’.

So, 18 liters = 18 × 0.26417205235778 = 4.75509694244 gallons [liquid].

Approximate values for 18 liters in gallons [liquid]

  • 2/3gallons [liquid] (12% greater)
  • 3/4gallons [liquid] (0.68% greater)
  • 4/5gallons [liquid] (5.9% greater)
  • 5/6gallons [liquid] (10% greater)

These are alternative values for 18 liters in gallons [liquid]. They are represented as a fraction of an integer close to the exact value (12, 14, 34 etc.). The guess error, if any, is to the right of the value.

Conversion of 18 liters to other volume & capacity units

18 liters = 0.018 cubic meter
18 liters = 18 litres
18 liters = 1800 centiliters
18 liters = 18000 milliliters
18 liters = 18000 cc
18 liters = 18000 cubic centimeters
18 liters = 1.8 × 107 microliters
18 liters = 72 cups [metric]
18 liters = 1200 Tablespoons [metric]
18 liters = 3600 Teaspoons [metric]
18 liters = 0.151 barrel
18 liters = 0.951 bucket
18 liters = 0.11 barrel [UK]
18 liters = 0.99 bucket [UK]
18 liters = 0.495 bushel [UK]
18 liters = 0.636 cubic foot
18 liters = 1100 cubic inches
18 liters = 76.1 cups
18 liters = 4870 drams
18 liters = 23.8 fifths
[18 liters = 3.96 gallons] [UK]
18 liters = 152 gills [US]
18 liters = 127 gills [UK]
18 liters = 292000 minims
18 liters = 609 ounces
18 liters = 634 ounces [UK, liquid]
18 liters = 1.98 pecks [UK]
18 liters = 2.04 pecks [US]
18 liters = 38 pints
18 liters = 31.7 pints [UK]
18 liters = 19 quarts
18 liters = 1800 Robies
18 liters = 609 shots
18 liters = 1220 Tablespoons
18 liters = 3650 Teaspoons
18 liters = 1270 Tablespoons [UK]
18 liters = 5070 Teaspoons [UK]

This converter can help you to get responses to questions like:

  • How many liters are in 18 gallons [liquid]?
  • 18 liters are equal to how many gallons [liquid]?
  • How much are 18 liter in gallons [liquid]?
  • How to convert liters to gallons [liquid]?
  • What is the conversion factor in changing from liters to gallons [liquid]?
  • How to transform liters in gallons [liquid]?
  • What is the formula to convert from l to gallons [liquid]? Among others.

Liters to gallons [liquid] conversion chart near 18 liters

Liters to gallons [liquid] conversion chart

9 liters = 2.38 gallons [liquid]
10 liters = 2.64 gallons [liquid]
11 liters = 2.91 gallons [liquid]
12 liters = 3.17 gallons [liquid]
13 liters = 3.43 gallons [liquid]
14 liters = 3.7 gallons [liquid]
15 liters = 3.96 gallons [liquid]
16 liters = 4.23 gallons [liquid]
17 liters = 4.49 gallons [liquid]
18 liters = 4.76 gallons [liquid]

Liters to gallons [liquid] conversion chart

18 liters = 4.76 gallons [liquid]
19 liters = 5.02 gallons [liquid]
20 liters = 5.28 gallons [liquid]
21 liters = 5.55 gallons [liquid]
22 liters = 5.81 gallons [liquid]
23 liters = 6.08 gallons [liquid]
24 liters = 6.34 gallons [liquid]
25 liters = 6.6 gallons [liquid]
26 liters = 6.87 gallons [liquid]
27 liters = 7.13 gallons [liquid]

FAQ on liters to gallons conversion

What’re 18 liters in [gallons]?

To convert from liters to gallons, increase the value in liters by 0.264172.
So, 18 l = 18 × 0.264172 = 4.76 gal (this result may be approximate).

What is a liter?

A liter or liter (symbols L, l or ℓ) is a metric unit of capacity equal to one cubic decimeter. A cubic decimetre (or liter) occupies a volume of 10 cm×10 cm×10 cm and is thus equivalent to 1/1000 cubic meter.

What are gallons?

The U.S. gallons are legally transparent as 231 cubic inches, just 3.785411784 liters. A US runny gallon of water weighs about 8.34 pounds or 3.78 kilograms at 62 °F (17 °C), making it about 16.6% lighter than the imperial gallon.